
Thetis is installed via the Python Package Index (PyPI) using Python’s PIP-Tool. Simply type

$ pip install thetis

to install the right version of Thetis in your Python environment. The installer will directly choose the right wheel for installation.

You can also download a pre-built Wheel of Thetis and install it afterwards in your Python environment by typing

$ pip install <download folder>/thetis-<thetis version>-py3-<python tag>-<abi tag>-<platform tag>.whl

In this case, the user is responsible to download the right wheel for the desired Thetis version and the runtime environment that is used during application execution:

  • <thetis version> describes the desired application version of Thetis.

  • <python tag> describes the Python version which has been used for building the wheel (e.g., “cp38” stands for Python version 3.8).

  • <abi tag> describes the Application Binary Interface (ABI) version for which the wheel has been built (e.g., “cp38” stands for Python version 3.8).

  • <platform tag> describes the platform for which the application has been built (e.g, “manylinux” works for most Unix-based systems).

Getting started

To get started with Thetis, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your environment: Ensure you have a Python environment set up. Install Thetis using the instructions provided above.

  2. Obtain a license: Thetis requires a license to operate. Free demo licenses are provided with the examples in this repository. For professional use or to analyze your own data, contact us at to obtain a license. Place the license file in your working directory or in the appropriate location based on your operating system.

  3. Explore examples: Review our usage examples to understand how to use Thetis for different AI tasks.

  4. Run your analysis: Integrate your AI model and data with Thetis, then perform the desired analysis. Refer to the detailed API documentation and configuration options for more information.

Issues & bugtracking

If you experience any issues during installation, running, or handling Thetis, please create an issue on the e:fs Github page and post the provided stack trace.