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Installing Superb Data Kraken

The Superb Data Kraken consists of multiple services which combine to the most amazing Data Kraken 😃


  • These instructions assume, that the prerequesits are already met.
  • You might want to manage your configuration globally, as many properties are required by various services.


To get an up and running instance of the organizationmanager the following steps are required:

  • provide a PostgreSQL-database, configure via the following properties:
    • in config-map.yml adjust $(DATABASE_SERVER) and $(ORGAMANAGER_DATABASE) accordingly
    • in provided-secrets.yml adjust DATABASE_PASSWORD and DATABASE_USER (in the form of <USER>@<DATABASE_SERVER>) accordingly
  • provide a Kafka-instance with the following topic: space-deleted (or any other topic configured as property, configure via the following properties:
    • in provided-secrets.yml adjust KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG (in the form of required username="$ConnectionString" password="Endpoint=sb://<KAFKA_BROKER>/;SharedAccessKeyName=<KEY_NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<KEY>";) accordingly
  • provide the following libraries locally:
  • build a Docker-image to the container-registry of your liking. We provided you with 2 options:

If you choose to use the Docker-image with additional logging to Azure Application Insights, you need to provide extra properties in config-map.yml:

  • APP_INSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING the Connection-String of your Azure Application Insights instance
  • APP_INSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY the Instrumentation-Key of your Azure Application Insights instance

For additional configuration, please consider these properties within the kubernetes-folder:

  • postfix a postfix you might want to add to your servides (❗ should be consistent across your installation as cluster-interal domains are predifined with this postfix ❗)
  • REALM the specific realm set up with the openid connect (oidc) provider
  • CLIENT_ID the client-id within defined realm (used for simplifying swagger-access)
  • CLIENT_ID_CONFIDENTIAL the id of the confidential client used for Service Account-access. This Service Account should have the following permissions:
  • CLIENT_SECRET_CONFIDENTIAL the secret of the confidential client used for Service Account-access
  • LOG_LEVEL the logging-level for organizationmanager
  • CONTAINER_REGISTRY the container-registry that stores the Docker-image
  • tagVersion the tag-version of the Docker-image
  • DOMAIN the domain organizationmanager should be available at
  • KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER the Kafka-Bootstrap-Server


To get an up and running instance of the storage-manager the following steps are required:

If you choose to use the Docker-image with additional logging to Azure Application Insights, you need to provide extra properties in config-map.yml:

  • APP_INSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING the Connection-String of your Azure Application Insights instance
  • APP_INSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY the Instrumentation-Key of your Azure Application Insights instance

For additional configuration, please consider these properties within the kubernetes-folder:

  • postfix a postfix you might want to add to your servides (❗ should be consistent across your installation as cluster-interal domains are predifined with this postfix ❗)
  • REALM the specific realm set up with the openid connect (oidc) provider
  • CLIENT_ID the client-id within defined realm (used for simplifying swagger-access)
  • LOG_LEVEL the logging-level for storage-manager
  • CONTAINER_REGISTRY the container-registry that stores the Docker-image
  • tagVersion the tag-version of the Docker-image
  • DOMAIN the domain storage-manager should be available at
  • RESOURCE_GROUP the resource-group in Azure the storage-principal is permitted to (see Azure Subscription)
  • AZURE_STORAGE_CLIENT_ID application (client) ID of the storage-principal managed application (see Azure Subscription)
  • AZURE_STORAGE_CLIENT_SECRET application (client) secret of the storage-principal managed application (see Azure Subscription)
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID the tenant-id of the Azure Subscription


To get an up and running instance of the accessmanager the following steps are required:

  • provide a Kafka-instance with the following topic: accessmanager-commit (or any other topic configured as property accessmanager.topic.upload-complete), configure via the following properties:
    • in provided-secrets.yml adjust KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG (in the form of required username="$ConnectionString" password="Endpoint=sb://<KAFKA_BROKER>/;SharedAccessKeyName=<KEY_NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<KEY>";) accordingly
  • provide the following libraries locally:
  • build a Docker-image to the container-registry of your liking. We provided you with 2 options:

If you choose to use the Docker-image with additional logging to Azure Application Insights, you need to provide extra properties in config-map.yml:

  • APP_INSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING the Connection-String of your Azure Application Insights instance
  • APP_INSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY the Instrumentation-Key of your Azure Application Insights instance

For additional configuration, please consider these properties within the kubernetes-folder:

  • postfix a postfix you might want to add to your servides (❗ should be consistent across your installation as cluster-interal domains are predifined with this postfix ❗)
  • REALM the specific realm set up with the openid connect (oidc) provider
  • CLIENT_ID the client-id within defined realm (used for simplifying swagger-access)
  • LOG_LEVEL the logging-level for accessmanager
  • CONTAINER_REGISTRY the container-registry that stores the Docker-image
  • tagVersion the tag-version of the Docker-image
  • DOMAIN the domain accessmanager should be available at
  • RESOURCE_GROUP the resource-group in Azure the storage-principal is permitted to (see Azure Subscription)
  • AZURE_STORAGE_CLIENT_ID application (client) ID of the storage-principal managed application (see Azure Subscription)
  • AZURE_STORAGE_CLIENT_SECRET application (client) secret of the storage-principal managed application (see Azure Subscription)
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID the tenant-id of the Azure Subscription
  • KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER the Kafka-Bootstrap-Server


To get an up and running instance of the metadata-service the following steps are required:

  • provide a Kafka-instance with the following topics: indexing-done (or any other topic configured as property metadata.topics.indexing-done-topic) - will be triggered, once a new metadata-set is indexed - and metadata-update (or any other topic configured as property metadata.topics.metadata-update-topic) - will be triggered, once a new metadata-set is updated configure via the following properties:
    • in provided-secrets.yml adjust KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG (in the form of required username="$ConnectionString" password="Endpoint=sb://<KAFKA_BROKER>/;SharedAccessKeyName=<KEY_NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<KEY>";) accordingly
  • provide the following libraries locally:
  • build a Docker-image to the container-registry of your liking. We provided you with 2 options:

If you choose to use the Docker-image with additional logging to Azure Application Insights, you need to provide extra properties in config-map.yml:

  • APP_INSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING the Connection-String of your Azure Application Insights instance
  • APP_INSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY the Instrumentation-Key of your Azure Application Insights instance

For additional configuration, please consider these properties within the kubernetes-folder:

  • postfix a postfix you might want to add to your servides (❗ should be consistent across your installation as cluster-interal domains are predifined with this postfix ❗)
  • REALM the specific realm set up with the openid connect (oidc) provider
  • CLIENT_ID the client-id within defined realm (used for simplifying swagger-access)
  • CLIENT_ID_CONFIDENTIAL the id of the confidential client used for Service Account-access. This Service Account should have the following permissions:
    • access to OpenSearch security-plugin (edit roles/rolesmappings/tenants)
    • update all indices in OpenSearch
  • CLIENT_SECRET_CONFIDENTIAL the secret of the confidential client used for Service Account-access
  • LOG_LEVEL the logging-level for metadata-service
  • CONTAINER_REGISTRY the container-registry that stores the Docker-image
  • tagVersion the tag-version of the Docker-image
  • DOMAIN the domain metadata-service should be available at
  • ELASTICSEARCH_SERVICE name of the kubernetes-service of the elasticsearch/opensearch-client-service
  • ELASTICSEARCH_SECURITY_ENDPOINT endpoint of the elasticsearch/opensearch security-plugin (might be /_plugins/_security/api - OpenSearch - or /_opendistro/_security/api - Elasticsearch)

To get an up and running instance of the search-service no explicit steps are required.

For configuration, please consider these properties within the kubernetes-folder:

  • postfix a postfix you might want to add to your servides (❗ should be consistent across your installation as cluster-interal domains are predifined with this postfix ❗)
  • REALM the specific realm set up with the openid connect (oidc) provider
  • CLIENT_ID the client-id within defined realm (used for simplifying swagger-access)
  • LOG_LEVEL the logging-level for search
  • CONTAINER_REGISTRY the container-registry that stores the Docker-image
  • tagVersion the tag-version of the Docker-image
  • DOMAIN the domain search should be available at
  • ELASTICSEARCH_SERVICE name of the kubernetes-service of the elasticsearch/opensearch-client-service


To get an up and running instance of the metadata-service the following steps are required:

  • provide an EventSource for your Kafka-topic defined in AccessManager (accessmanager-commit or any other topic configured as property accessmanager.topic.upload-complete) - this EventSource is referenced by ingest-Sensor:
    • EventSource accessmanager-commit:
      kind: EventSource
        name: accessmanager-commit
              - weight: 1
                  - key: agentpool
                    operator: In
                    - userpool
                cpu: 20m
                memory: 200Mi
                cpu: 20m
                memory: 200Mi
              name: azure-event-source
              key: sharedAccessKeyName
              name: azure-event-source
              key: sharedAccessKey
            hubName: accessmanager-commit
  • build the Docker-images to the container-registry of your liking:

For additional configuration, please consider these properties within the kubernetes-folder:

  • postfix a postfix you might want to add to your servides (❗ should be consistent across your installation as cluster-interal domains are predifined with this postfix ❗)
  • CONTAINER_REGISTRY the container-registry that stores the Docker-image
  • tagVersion the tag-version of the Docker-image
  • DOMAIN the domain oidc-provider is available at
  • SKIP_VALIDATE_ORGANIZATIONS Names of organization for which the validation-tree (basicmetadata, anonymize, enrichment and validate) should be skipped
  • CLIENT_ID_CONFIDENTIAL the id of the confidential client used for Service Account-access. This Service Account should have the following permissions:
    • update all indices in OpenSearch
    • update datasets within all spaces
  • CLIENT_SECRET_CONFIDENTIAL the secret of the confidential client used for Service Account-access


To get an up and running instance of the workers no explicit steps are required.

For configuration, please consider these properties within the argo-folders of the respective workers:

  • postfix a postfix you might want to add to your servides (❗ should be consistent across your installation as cluster-interal domains are predifined with this postfix ❗)
  • CONTAINER_REGISTRY the container-registry that stores the Docker-image
  • tagVersion the tag-version of the Docker-image


Will be defined soon.
