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Admin Guide

The tasks of an administrator in the SDK include the management of organizations and spaces.

Create/update organization

Only users with the role org_create_permission are able to create organizations. If you are the owner of an Organisation, you are able to create and edit a space in it.

Create organization

Create organization

In the Members-tab of the add/edit mode of your organization, you are able to see the members and their roles on your organization. You are also able to add more users and corresponding roles or remove roles from users. The roles you can provide are:

  • access: can access data
  • admin: representative of the owner, can perform administrative activities
  • trustee: can handle Dashboards on an organization-leveled basis

For further information regarding permissions, please consider roles/rights concept.

Create/update space

Adding a space can be done via the +-sign in the Spaces-tab within the organization-view.

Create space

Create space

Further space-management can be done via the pencil (edit) and trashcan (delete) icons in the upper right corner. You will get the following options when choosing to add or edit a space:

  • General
  • Members
  • Data



With the General-tab you are able to edit the name and the description of your space. You are also able to edit the confidentiality, status and services ("Capability") of your space. If your space should save your data GDPR conform, you can enable this option here. But be careful, once enabled this option is permanent.

Space - General

Space - General

In the Members-tab of the create/edit mode of your space, you are able to see the members and their roles on your space. You are also able to add more users and corresponding roles or remove roles from users. The roles you can provide are:

  • trustee: Can create data, edit and delete them
  • supplier: Can create data
  • user: Can read and download data

For further information regarding permissions, please consider roles/rights concept.

Space - Members

Space - Members

The Data tab shows the information about how long your data will be stored and if you want a meta.json automatically created for your data. This option is handy, if you don't want to provide your own meta.json and a standard one is enough for your needs.

Space - Data

Space - Data


Please note that only users who have access to the organization can be added to a space.
